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For generations, the fireplace has been the communal gathering place for us humans. The feeling of sitting by a lively fire on a late summer evening and feeling the warmth. To sit around a fire and exchange stories and experiences is something few experience today but something we all long for. Purchase a product from TOMMRE, immerse yourself in the flames, warm yourself around a beautiful interior detail, and extend the time you spend outside on those Nordic, chilly summer nights.

Modell ES terrssvärmare golv






The ES terrace heater is easy to handle. Everything from getting started to moving from table or between tables. The glass can be removed for better heat distribution and the fire and heat can be adjusted with the stainless-steel knob. The top part can be used as a relief surface and neatly hides the gas tube. Comes with a protective cover to avoid debris getting in among the volcanic rocks.

ES TERRACE HEATER can be placed wherever you want on your patio.


The flames from the open fire provide an inviting and
cozy feeling when you mingle with your guests. When it's time to eat, the ES Terrace Heater is moved next door
the table and provides a pleasant radiant heat while you eat. After the meal, the plates are put away and you lift the upper one
the part of ES-Terrace heater to the table. The feeling it gives of sitting by a fireplace, getting the heat from the flames and
drink a glass of wine and hang out with your closest friends. When the evening creeps in, you move to the lounge group
where ES-Terrace heaters really come into their own, where the dancing flames warm, you drink a glass
whiskey and tell old memories and stories. Just like we did before.

ES TERRACE HEATER can be placed outside the entrance of the restaurant or hotel. A beautiful fire provides an inviting and
welcoming feeling to the guests when they arrive.
A table on the terrace, a burning fireplace provides a place for community, where you gather in front of a fire before dinner or after the working day to relax with your colleagues with a few beers and talk about life.
Between the tables on the outdoor terrace you get a pleasant warmth and the flames create a romantic evening with your loved one.


Is a model with a visible fire with the possibility of lifting the upper part to a table. The 2 different models are available in 2 different colors black concrete or gray concrete. Terrace heaters have a harmonious shape where the concrete meets brushed stainless steel details and creates a beautiful contrast. A beautiful fire rises above the black lava stones behind pure crystal clear glass that provides protection and can also be easily removed to provide more heat.
The fire is started and regulated using an industrially designed solid stainless steel knob. The function is durable and safe, a built-in ignition steel ensures the function for many years to come and a built-in anti-tilt stop triggers and chokes the fire if you should drop or knock over the heater.
The upper part is easy to lift off with recessed grips in the concrete and has a rubber seal underneath so as not to scratch the table surface. Through a black, textile-covered hose, the upper part can be easily positioned up to 2 meters and a cover in black weather-resistant fabric is included to protect the product from the elements when not in use.

ES-1's austere form, the clean lines and the beautiful flames from the fire make it a stylish interior detail for
a modern architectural environment.


The ES-2's cylindrical shape makes it blend in with the environment, easy to place and allows you to enjoy one
beautiful fire and pleasant warmth wherever you are.

An opening in the back becomes a natural handle to be able to move it quickly and smoothly with the help of the wheels
underneath and the opening also allows the gas to be turned on and off easily.

The lower part in the black fiber-reinforced concrete is strong and weather-resistant and neatly hides many different types of gas pipes.

Buy your heating source from TOMMRE.


A terrace heater, fire basket or fire bowl from TOMMRE has a live fire that enhances the atmosphere, provides warmth and light, and becomes a stylish interior detail to place in your outdoor environment. At TOMMRE you will find a selected range of different heat sources that not only provide good heat but are also a beautiful, high-quality interior detail.

Lågorna från den öppna elden ger en inbjudande och mysig känsla när du minglar runt med dina gäster. När det är dags att äta flyttas ES-Terrassvärmare bredvid bordet och ger en behaglig strålningsvärme medan du äter. Efter maten dukas tallrikarna undan och du lyfter den övre delen av ES-Terrassvärmare till bordet. Känslan det ger av att sitta vid en eldstad, att få värmen från lågorna och dricka ett glas vin och umgås med sina närmsta vänner. När kvällen kommer krypande så förflyttar ni er till loungegruppen där ES-Terrassvärmare verkligen kommer till sin rätt, där de dansande lågorna värmer, ni dricker ett glas whisky och berättar gamla minnen och historier. Precis som vi gjorde förr. ​ ES-TERRASSVÄRMARE kan placeras utanför entrén på restaurangen eller hotellet.En vacker eld ger en inbjudande och välkomnande känsla till gästerna när de anländer. Ett bord på terrassen, ger en brinnande eldstad en plats för gemenskap, där du samlas framför en eld innan middagen eller efter arbetsdagen för att slappna av med sina kollegor med några öl och prata om livet. Mellan borden på uteserveringen får du en behaglig värme och lågorna skapar en romantisk kväll med din älskade.


Är en modell med synlig eld med möjlighet att lyfta övre delen till ett bord. De 2 olika modellerna finns i 2 olika färger svart betong eller grå betong. Terrassvärmare har en harmonisk form där den betongen möter borstade rostfria detaljer och skapar en vacker kontrast. En vacker eld stiger upp ovanför de svarta lavastenarna bakom ett rent kristallklart glas som ger skydd och som även enkelt kan plockas bort för att ge mer värme. Elden startas och regleras med hjälp av ett industriellt designat vred i massivt, rostfritt stål. Funktionen är hållbar och säker, ett inbyggt tändstål säkerställer funktionen i många år framöver och ett inbyggd Anti tiltstopp löser ut och stryper elden om du skulle tappa eller välta värmaren. Den övre delen är enkel att lyfta av med infällda grepp i betongen och har gummering undertill för att inte repa bordsytan. Genom en svart, textilinklädd slang kan den övre delen smidigt placeras upp till 2 meter och ett överdrag i svart väderbeständigt tyg medföljer för att skydda produkten mot väder och vind när den inte används. ES-1 strama form, de rena linjerna och de vackra flammorna från elden gör den till en stilren inredningsdetalj för en modern arkitektonisk miljö. ES-2 cylindriska form gör att den smälter samman med miljön, enkel att placera och gör att du kan njuta av en vacker eld och behaglig värme var du än är. En öppning i baksidan blir ett naturligt handtag för att snabbt och smidigt kunna flytta den med hjälp av hjulen undertill och öppningen ger även möjlighet att enkelt sätta på och stänga av gasen. ​ Underdelen i den svarta fiberarmerade betongen är stark och vädertålig och döljer snyggt många olika typer av gasoltuber.


A patio heater, fire pit, or fire bowl from TOMMRE features a live fire that enhances the ambiance, provides warmth and light, and becomes a stylish interior detail to place in your outdoor environment. At TOMMRE, you'll find a curated range of different heat sources that not only provide excellent warmth but also serve as beautiful, high-quality interior details.

Frågor och svar


Hur mycket gasol drar en Terassvärmare?

A patio heater consumes different amounts of propane depending on the burner's power. The ES patio heater operates at 7 kW and consumes a maximum of 509g/h in measured power. This means that a PC10 propane cylinder lasts for almost 20 hours at full power. If you reduce the power, it will last considerably longer.

Is propane patio heater economical?

When comparing the output you get against the cost, it is much more economical to use propane heaters. Now that electricity prices have become so expensive, it is even more profitable to use propane. An electric patio heater typically has an output of about 1.5 kW, which corresponds to electricity tariff 4 with an average price of 180 öre, approximately 27 SEK per hour. The ES patio heater has a significantly higher output of about 7 kW, and the price of propane is around 34 SEK per kg, which corresponds to a maximum cost of approximately 17 SEK per hour.

How long does a propane tank heating last?

If your patio heater is 7 kW, then a PC10 propane cylinder will last for almost 20 hours at full power. Usually, you don't use the heat at full power but adjust the temperature as it gets colder outside. This means that your propane cylinder will last well over 20 hours. To calculate how long a cylinder will last, you divide the power by 12.8, which is the energy in one kilogram of propane, to get the consumption per hour.

How long does 11 kg of propane last?

A P11 contains approximately 11 kg of gas, so the ES patio heater lasts for almost 22 hours. If you calculate using the product at full power for about 3 hours per evening, it lasts for approximately 7-8 occasions.

How much gas does a terrace heater use?

A terrace heater uses different amounts depending on the effect of the burner. The ES terrace heater is 7kW and draws a maximum measured power of 509g/h. This means that a PC10 gas cylinder lasts for almost 20 hours. If you reduce the power, it will last significantly longer.

Are Gasol terrace heaters economical?


If you compare the effect you get against the cost, it is significantly more economical to use gas heaters. Now that electricity prices have become so expensive, it is even more profitable to use LPG. An electric terrace heater is about 1.5kw, which corresponds to electricity area 4 with an average price of 180öre, about SEK 27/h. The ES terrace heater has a significantly higher output of approx. 7kW and the price for gas oil is SEK 34/kg, which corresponds to a maximum cost of approx. SEK 17/h.

How long does a gas tube heating last?

If your terrace heater is 7kW, a LPG bottle PC10 is enough for almost 20 hours at full power. Most of the time, you don't use the heat at full power, but adjust the temperature up as it gets colder outside. This means that your LPG cylinder will last well over 20 hours. To calculate how long a bottle lasts, you take the effect divided by 12.8, which is the energy in a kilogram of diesel, and then get consumption per hour.

How long does 11 kg of LPG last?

A P11 contains approx. 11kg of gas, so the ES terrace heater lasts for almost 22 hours. If you calculate that you use the product at full power for approx. 3 hours/evening, it is enough for about 7-8 occasions.

How many minus degrees can a gas tube withstand?

LPG has a freezing point of -187°C, which means that you never have to worry about the LPG cylinder freezing. However, the product works worse from minus 5°C.

Can you have gas bottles indoors?

You may   store a maximum of 2 LPG bottles that are less than 30kg each inside your villa, terraced house and holiday home without permission from the municipality. These should be stored in a well-ventilated area. Keep the area free of materials that burn easily, such as cloth, paper and cardboard.

Can the ES terrace heater be placed on a table?

Yes, the  ES terrace heater is tested and approved by intertek to be placed on a table provided that there are no combustible products nearby and that the table meets the requirements specified in the instructions provided with the product. If you are unsure whether your table cannot withstand the heat from the terrace heaters, we recommend that you protect your table.

Propane has a freezing point of -187°C, which means you never need to worry about the propane cylinder freezing. However, the product performs less efficiently below -5°C.

Is it allowed to have a propane tank indoors?

You may store a maximum of 2 propane tanks, each smaller than 30 kg, inside your villa, townhouse, or vacation home without permission from the municipality. These should be stored in a well-ventilated space. Keep the space free from materials that easily catch fire, such as fabric, paper, and cardboard.

Is it allowed to place the ES patio heater on a table?

es, the ES patio heater has been tested and approved by Intertek to be placed on a table, provided there are no flammable products nearby and the table meets the requirements specified in the accompanying product instructions. If you are unsure whether your table can withstand the heat from the patio heaters, we recommend protecting your table.

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